Everything you need to know about the Boomtown assets auction

5 min readMay 11, 2020


As you probably already know, there is an entirely new game experience coming to the prospectors reality: The “Boomtown Challenge”.

Here’s the backstory: A huge gold deposit was found in the dry desert highland. The most prosperous land ever discovered and full of different resources, it has all of the makings of a classic Boomtown. However, the desert climate is hot and inhospitable, and water is scarce. These adverse conditions will give the miners a short mining season, and to win this challenge, settlers have to build the railroad before the summer heat turns the desert into scorched earth.

Here’s the challenge: Boomtown settlers will only have around two months to develop their business and mine as much gold and other resources as they can. The goal is to finish the Railway and transfer the resources back to the permanent prospectors land Wild West before the Boomtown becomes a ghost town. If the settlers are able to accomplish this goal, they will reap the rewards.

Since time is of the essence, you’ll want to be prepared and hit the ground running. So before the launch of the first Boomtown, we will hold the Assets Auction on May 15th, 2020 at 13:00 UTC, where you‘ll be able to purchase everything you need for a powerful start.

The Boomtown’s Assets Auction specifics

Today we will launch the countdown to the Assets Auction for the Prospectors “Boomtown Challenge” Now, here’s everything you will need to know about the auction process and all the assets which will be made available to purchase.

We want to highlight, that this time the auction will be held on the EOS blockchain. The auction currency is PGL.

As always the auction is divided into stages. This time each auction stage will last 3 hours, so it’s easy to take part in it around the world. There will be 240 auction stages overall. Items for every stage are chosen randomly. The Boomtown’s Assets Auction will last for 31 days.

Six Different Types of Assets for Different Purposes

There are six different types of assets, each with unique benefits. During the auction, you’ll be able to buy all the sets of tools, and building sets we’ve offered at previous auctions, as well as some new items. All of these items will provide a huge advantage to getting a quick start and speed up your progress during the first few days

Here are descriptions of the types of sets available to bid on during the Boomtown assets auction:

Beginner’s Set — this is a set of different tools, one of each type. The beginner’s set will include one: Spade, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hammer, Sledgehammer, and Saw. With these tools, your workers will be able to fulfill any task in the Prospectors world. However, notice there is no Gold pan in this set, for that you will need the researcher’s set.

Researcher’s Set — These are the tools needed for exploring gold deposits. This set consists of three Gold Pans and three Pickaxes. With the Researcher’s Set, you’ll be able to explore 3 plots, as Gold Pan lifetime here is 1min, just enough to research one plot.

Building Set — This set will include all of the materials and tools needed to complete an entire building. You will be able to bid on the following buildings during the auction of the assets: Iron Furnace, Stone Workshop, Sawmill, Brickyard, Tool Workshop, Cart Factory, and a Manufactory. There will be eight sets of each building available to bid on.

Speculator’s Set — each set will contain 50 identical tools. A great opportunity to make a profitable business at the beginning. You’ll be able to buy sets consisting of 50 spades, 50 pickaxes, 50 axes, 50 shovels, 50 hammers, 50 sledgehammers, 50 saws, 50 plane tools, and 50 nail pullers. There are 9 of each type of speculator’s sets.

Transportation assets — these assets will enable workers to transport greater weight of cargo. Carts and Wagons are essential for moving large quantities of materials and resources... There are 2 kinds of assets with capacity extenders, such as 3 carts and a wagon.

Speed Boosters (*new items)— after using any speed boosts, the speed of the worker increases, so he can reach any location much faster, and search for a job within x times larger area (4x, 9x, 16x). There are 3 different types of speed booster assets available on the auction, which are: 100 mugs of coffee, a donkey, and a horse. All of them have different specifications.

All of the named assets give you specific advantages and help you to develop faster. Yet this time there is a big difference compared to the previous auctions. This time teamwork is one of the essential factors on the path to victory since individual success is not an option; all the settlers will need to work together to find success!

Read more about how the Boomtown works in our previous article

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Written by Prospectors

Decentralized Massive Multiplayer Online Real Time Economic Strategy

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