Introducing the “Grand Land” and the launch of Prospectors NFTs
A new hope for prospectors, a permanent land with enormous deposits of gold and no rent.
Tension in the air feels like a calm before the storm. The dust has settled from the last Boomtown adventure and settlers are ready to rush into a new adventure. Gold deposits and other resources within the Prospectors permanent lands continue depleting month after month. Citizens of The Wild West and Yukon are eager to see a new perspective. The silence within Prospectors feels even stronger against the whirl of the outstanding events that are happening all around us.
Now a new era for Prospectors is upon us. The WeCan team is proud to announce the event of the year in the Prospectors reality! The release of the new ‘Grand Land’ and the introduction of NFT’s to the Prospectors world!
After months of research, the team has defined a combination of parameters that will ensure the long-lasting existence and effective functionality of a new massive permanent land on WAX. A dreamland for all Gold seeking Prospectors, who yearn for a stable home with the prosperous ground. A new land abundant with fresh opportunities which will endow its citizens with wealth and happiness.
What do we know about the Grand Land?!
Created on WAX, the map will consist of 10,000 plots (100x100) and contain 70,000,000 PGL. The estimated number of plots with different amounts of gold:
- 200 plots with 100 000 PGL
- 400 plots with 75 000 PGL
- 400 Plots with 50 000 PGL
Plots will not be rented in the Grand Land. The plots will be distributed in the form of NFTs. Players will learn the coordinates of their plot after unpacking No rent will be charged within the Grand Land. A player is the sole and permanent landlord until he decides to pass ownership to someone else.
The Grand Land will be connected with other permanent lands with a railway. So citizens will be able to transport resources from other permanent worlds and boomtowns to the Grand Land.
Some other settings of the Grand Land will differ from the existing Prospectors Lands. For example, the mining rates for the underground resources will be decreased. Also, there are going to be more upgrades for the mines.
The approximate launch date is planned for July 2021. The plots in the center of the Map will be distributed on the auction. The first Grand Land Sale is scheduled for mid-May. We will provide more info soon.
You know what to do. Get prepared and get your piece of the dreamland for yourself or for your descendants!