Tombstone Settlers Celebrate the Victory, Yukonians Get News

2 min readNov 24, 2020

Great news fellow Prospectors, the Boomtown settlers have won the challenge! By joint efforts, they built the Railway and upgraded it to the second level with a great reserve of time. Right after the doors of the exchange office were opened, a long queue of settlers lined up in front of it, driven by the desire to put mined gold on their accounts. Tombstone Railway also works non-stop delivering resources mined in Tombstone and stuff produced there, back to the Wild West.

At the very beginning, we weren’t sure that Tombstone citizens would be able to make it. They looked disoriented, and it seemed an unreal goal for the team of entirely different people from around the globe. Yet then Tombstone people became true teammates, who worked together to reach their common goal.

Tombstone settlers still have about 6 days to develop their business and transport goods to the Wild West before the challenge ends and the Boomtown is abandoned. Hopefully, our tough guys will find a bit of time left to celebrate the victory and take home some souvenirs.

All participants of the Railway construction, owners of the QPSS will get their revenue the day after the Tombstone season ends.

Eagle city for the citizens of Yukon

We know that Yukon people are also waiting for such a chance for them. And we want to tell you that our researchers found a perfect place for the boomtown within the cold and inhospitable grounds further north from the Yukon River. They called it an Eagle City.

We do not plan to send any expedition to those lands before the Tombstone challenge will be finished. Maybe after the Tombstone settlers will return home safely, rest for a little bit, and get their strength back, they will be eager to participate in this expedition. Their experience will be priceless help for inexperienced residents of the Yukon.

We’ll reach you with additional info very soon.

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